List of 4 items.

  • Tuition & Fees

    Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is $25,900. 

    Application Fee

    入学新生申请时缴交75美元. The fee for transfer students is $125.

    Enrollment Fee (Ninth Grade & Transfer Student)

    $250 Amount is non-refundable and due at registration

    Re-Enrollment Fee (Returning Student)

    $150 Amount is non-refundable and due at registration

    Tuition Deposit

    Remaining Tuition
    • Option (1): Annual Payment of $25,400 due on July 1
    • 选项(2):每半年支付12,700美元,分别于7月1日和12月1日到期
    • 选项(3):从7月1日起至4月1日每月1日到期的月供(十(10)期).
    Annual Class Fees
    • AP Test Fee $105 All AP and Honors AP Classes
    • Senior Fee $350 Seniors Only
    • Athletics $150 Each Individual Sport
  • Tablet Computer

    在2023-2024学年,平板电脑的价格为1725美元. 入学时需支付250美元的不可退还的首付款. The remaining laptop balance of $1,475 is due July 1. 如果学生有资格获得经济援助,就会自动获得笔记本电脑奖励.
  • Payment Options

    Blackbaud Tuition Management

    St. Agnes has partnered with Blackbaud Tuition Management, an online tuition management service, 为我们的家庭提供一系列的付款方式和计划.


    With Blackbaud Tuition Management, St. Agnes will offer three payment plans. One-time payment due by July 1, Payment by Semester, due July 1 and December 1, or a 10-month payment plan 从7月1日到4月1日的每个月的第一天. The monthly installment option incurs a 3% deferral fee. All class fees are non-refundable and are due by July 1.
    • 自动直接借记(ACH)从银行支票或储蓄帐户
    • Automatic month debit from debit or credit card
    • Payment by bank draft, credit, or debit card by phone
    • Payment by bank draft, credit, or debit card online
    • Online banking service from payer bank account
    • Check or money order by mail
    Online Banking Services
    在线账单支付服务可能不会将资金以电子方式转移到Blackbaud学费管理. Some banks may mail paper checks instead. 请将在线账单支付设置为在付款截止日期前至少7-10天进行,以确保在预定的截止日期之前收到并处理支票.

    Two Types of Automatic Debit Payments
    Blackbaud学费管理提供自动扣除银行账户(ACH), 或通过借记卡或信用卡自动定期付款. A 2.98% fee applies to payments made by credit or debit. Visa、万事达卡、Discover和美国运通卡均可.

    Payer ID# / Account Number is Updated Each Year
    Blackbaud学费管理每年更新账号. 这意味着付款人的银行信息必须每年更新,以包括新的账号. 更新是必要的,这样资金才能分配到正确的学年. 应鼓励付款人在付款时填写正确的帐户号码.

    All late payments will incur a $40 late fee. 对于失败的ACH借记交易或退回的支票,需支付30美元的费用. 这笔费用应支付给Blackbaud学费管理,不能由SAA记入.

    董事会的政策是,所有对学校的财政义务必须保持最新,以便学生继续在圣. 艾格尼丝学院,用于发布文件(成绩单和成绩单). 拖欠余额的学生将不被允许在下一学年重新注册,直到所有财务承诺全部支付. Enrollment at St. Agnes Academy is understood to be for the full year. 所有的课堂、实验、课程和AP考试费用都是不可退还的,截止日期为7月1日.
  • Student Withdrawals

    If a student withdraws from St. Agnes Academy, 只有在(A)长期患病的情况下,才会按比例退还学费余额, (b)学生家庭搬离休斯顿地区, or (c) withdrawals requested by St. Agnes Academy.  The tuition is prorated by month, 每个月或部分月收取学期学费余额的20%. Agnes Academy. 除上述原因外的退学学费余额退款将按以下方式发放:
    • 8月第一学期退学- 75%学期退款/或25%到期;
    • 第一学期9月的退学- 50%退款/或50%到期;
    • 9月30日以后的第一学期学费将不予退还. Any unpaid tuition will be due for monthly payers.
    • 第二学期1月份的退学- 75%退款/或25%到期;
    • 第二学期2月份的退学- 50%退款/或50%到期;
    • 2月28日之后的第二学期将不予退款. Any unpaid tuition will be due for monthly payers.
