
St. 艾格尼丝学院
我们建议圣. 艾格尼丝 develop certain leadership skills throughout their time in high school. 了解年轻女性领导者如何培养自己的技能.
High school 玩s a pivotal role in a young woman’s development and growth. 贯穿高中旅程的每一步, it’s important for a young woman to identify her strengths and weaknesses to become a well-rounded, 有效的青年领袖.

We believe that young women of all ages are capable of achieving remarkable levels of success. St. 艾格尼丝学院 为未来的领导人提供安全保障而自豪, yet challenging environment within which to develop their leadership skills.

作为一个学生,她的高中之旅, 这些领导技能将继续成长和发展. While there are many possible approaches to leadership and community-building, there are a few critical skills that young women leaders should focus on during their time at St. 艾格尼丝.

Let’s take a close look at which skills each student should prioritize from year to year throughout her high school career.


The young women of today are faced with unprecedented opportunities for personal and professional development. Young women seeking to hone their leadership skills before entering the next phase of their academic journey are well-advised to build on their skillset over time.

在圣. 艾格尼丝,我们引导每个学生完成她的个人旅程 体现个人领导能力,以正直和同情心行事. Here are a few suggestions for leadership abilities to focus on during each year at St. 艾格尼丝完成这段旅程.


倾听是一切的核心 有效的领导策略.

在学生学习期间 圣一年级. 艾格尼丝, 她将面临许多适应性挑战, like meeting new classmates and developing relationships with new teachers. Each new experience brings with it an opportunity to practice active listening, 什么是有效沟通的基石.

Learning to respectfully engage with far-ranging perspectives and opinions enables a young woman to tactfully develop her communication skills and lays a strong foundation for leading diverse groups in the future.

  • Recognize your Dominican heritage and incorporate prayer into daily life.
  • Demonstrate intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a dedication to life-long learning.


Once a student has devoted herself to developing practical listening skills, it is crucial for a 圣?. 艾格尼丝 培养表达自己想法和观点的能力.

Effective communication is key when engaging with new or unfamiliar points of view, and St. 艾格尼丝 seeks to empower its students with the confidence to clearly express their own needs, 感情, 和信仰.

  • Witness Gospel values, understand veritas (or truth) and live this out through word and deed.
  • 拥抱多样性,支持社会边缘群体.


Listening and communicating are critical leadership skills for women of any age, 但工作并不止于此. 在很多情况下, effective leadership requires that multiple parties work together to arrive at a solution or decision that works for the group as a whole, 尤其是在困难的情况下.

经常, it is necessary for a young woman leader to make certain sacrifices during this collaborative exercise. 例如, 在学生的大三期间, she is likely going to face challenges trying to balance the needs of schoolwork, 友谊, 十大正规买球平台, 申请大学,以及其他关键领域. Finding the right balance will require input from others and sound decision-making.

Developing the ability to make difficult decisions – even if they require a level of personal sacrifice – will prove very useful in her personal and academic endeavors.

  • 自信地担任领导职务.
  • Recognize your interconnectedness with Earth and embraces your responsibilities for the children of all species.


For many blossoming leaders, delegation is one of the most challenging skills to embrace.

许多年轻女性觉得,为了完成某件事, 他们必须亲自监督整个过程的每一步. 然而, 高三的学生 谁会努力去倾听, 沟通, and collaborate with members of their community will find that it is easier to effectively delegate tasks to teammates.

例如, delegating certain parts of a senior project to other classmates can help to safeguard against burnout, 提高生产力, 确保更有效的领导. A willingness to trust your team is one of the most sure signs of a remarkable leader.

  • 以一种快乐、乐观和富有成效的方式庆祝生活.
  • Develop a deep commitment to social justice and making a difference in the world.

St. 艾格尼丝正在培养未来的领导者

By keeping these leadership skills at the forefront of their educational pursuits, St. 艾格尼丝 students can develop the abilities they need to be successful while in high school, 在大学期间, 在以后的职业生涯中.

St. 艾格尼丝 offers individualized support for students looking to build their leadership skills. 我们也会定期安排 青年女性领导力活动和其他项目 旨在培养强大,富有同情心的领导者.

Students seeking additional support on their journey to becoming young women leaders can reach out to the 学生成功中心. 与我们的团队合作,磨练和实施你的领导技能.