Happy First Day of Senior Year to Our Next Graduates!

St. Agnes Academy
2024届毕业生是时候踏上他们最后的高中旅程了. Today, 我们庆祝高三开学第一天,祝大家高三开学第一天快乐!
祝2024届毕业生开学第一天快乐 St. Agnes Academy!

新学年的太阳冉冉升起,对于即将毕业的圣. Agnes Academy, 这标志着你期待已久的旅程的开始——你的高三.

As we watch the dawn break on this exciting chapter, we can't help but reflect on the traditions, the sisterhood, and the growth that awaits our next graduating class.


At St. Agnes, 高三不只是普通的一年,它是回忆的高潮, friendships, 以及成就塑造了你们作为学院女性的自信, capable individuals you are today.

The journey has been unique for each of you, a tapestry woven with transformational experiences, challenges, and achievements. And as you step into your senior year, 你有机会在学校的最后一圈留下真正难忘的回忆. See what’s in store for you as a high school senior.

"Life moves pretty fast. 如果你不偶尔停下来环顾四周,你可能会错过它." – Ferris Bueller

As Ferris Bueller wisely said, life moves fast, 大四是停下来欣赏这段旅程的最佳时机.

用大学色彩装饰裙子的传统不仅展示了你对自己成就的自豪感, 但这是你下一步要采取的视觉表现. 它提醒你,你要去的地方是无限的,你的旅程是独一无二的.

"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it or learn from it." – Rafiki, The Lion King

2024届毕业生之间结下了牢不可破的姐妹情谊. 从将高年级学生和新生联系起来的迎新周活动,到标志着你们在一起的最后一年的开始的高年级学生日出, you are learning the value of connection.

Just as Rafiki from The Lion King wisely pointed out, 从过去中学习——无论是成功还是失败——将以非凡的方式塑造他们的未来.

“我们的生活是由机遇决定的,即使是那些我们错过的." – The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Throughout this year, 当你享受高级特权的传统,珍惜你等待的时刻, 你会从……的话语中明白真理 Benjamin Button.

机遇定义了我们的生活,充分拥抱机遇是我们创造自己故事的方式. The special seating, off-campus lunch privileges, and other bonuses are not just perks, 而是你们在高中学习过程中付出的努力和奉献的象征.

“开始的方法是停止空谈,开始行动." – Walt Disney

As the year unfolds, 将颁发奖项和奖学金,以表彰2024届毕业生的杰出成就. 这些荣誉不仅是成就的象征,也是前进的动力.

Just as Walt Disney once said, it's time to begin doing. You are being acknowledged for your hard work, leadership, and talents, 你们的成就无疑将激励子孙后代志存高远.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." – Franklin D. Roosevelt

In the midst of this whirlwind year, as the calendar inches closer to graduation, the Class of 2024 will embark on a Senior Retreat. 这是一个反思、联系、带着兴奋和勇气展望未来的时刻.

Just as Franklin D. Roosevelt once reminded us, fear is the only thing to fear. 这次静修是让这些老年人有信心面对未来的机会, knowing that your time at St. Agnes has prepared you well.


As the sun sets on your final year, 重要的是要记住,毕业不是结束, but a beginning. The connections you’ve made, the memories you’ve forged, the lessons you’ve learned, and the sisterhood that’s supported you, 会在未来的岁月里继续塑造你们的生活吗.

St. Agnes Academy isn't just a school – it's a community, a network of empowered women 谁走过同样的道路,准备在你的下一步中支持和指导你.

So, 祝2024届毕业生开学第一天快乐, we celebrate your journey, your resilience, and your potential. Just as the traditions, the camaraderie, 从《十大正规买球平台》这样的电影中获得的灵感塑造了你的高中经历, 随着你们的前进,这些元素将继续在你们的生活中产生共鸣.

To the future graduates, seize this year, embrace the journey, 为即将到来的非凡冒险做好准备! You are ready to make a difference in this world.

如果你在这最后一年需要支持,你可以随时联系 Student Success Center to talk about any and all issues. 我们期待着一起度过难忘的最后一年.