How to Evaluate Different Criteria When Researching Colleges

St. 艾格尼丝学院
对于高中生来说,在研究大学时了解如何评估不同的标准是很重要的. Use our guide to help you make informed decisions.
Researching potential college options is a critical part of the college application and admissions process. It requires a substantial amount of time, effort, and dedication. And choosing the right college can test the resolve of even the most confident student.


在圣. 艾格尼丝, 我们鼓励学生在大学申请过程中仔细权衡他们的选择. 让我们来探讨一些我们建议学生和他们的家庭在研究大学和做决定时关注的要点.

Why Consider Different Criteria When Researching Colleges?

的re is no one-size-fits-all approach to selecting the right college fit. 这就是为什么彻底研究每个机构的学术和学生生活的各个方面是很重要的.


例如,一所学校可能在学术上很出色,但却不能提供多样化的课外机会. 类似的, 学校可能会提供学生想要的活动或组织,但提供不太全面的学术经验或有限的课程设置.

While it may not always be possible for students to attend a school that “checks all the boxes,“做你的尽职调查,投入充足的时间研究潜在的大学选择,可以帮助学生将注意力缩小到更符合他们个人和学术目标的学校。.

Let’s explore some of the ways each factor can impact a student’s college experience.


学生缩小潜在大学范围的一个简单方法是只关注位于特定城市的院校, 状态, 或地区. Some students may wish to apply only to local schools to remain close to home, while other students may be keen on branching out.

在给定位置内, the size and atmosphere of the school may also affect a student’s decision-making process. 例如, 学生可能更愿意就读位于他们想要的地区的一个小镇上的学校,而不是在邻近的城市中心. Or, 学生可能只对在城里上大学感兴趣,而不是在更传统的“大学城”上大学.”

Location, in particular, is largely a matter of personal preference. 学生们会想要考虑他们是否愿意远离休斯顿,或者他们是否愿意在大学期间留在一个熟悉的地方.


High-achieving high school students 就像那些参加圣. 艾格尼丝 will want to give particular consideration to their potential schools’ academics. If a student is applying to colleges with a particular course of study in mind, 至关重要的是,他们只关注那些提供他们想要的专业的学院和大学.

即使是那些没有选择专业的学生也必须考虑学校的学术设置. Students can use school websites to review data points like graduation rates, 就业安置率, 班级规模, 潜在的专业, and graduate school acceptance rates to get a sense of what the colleges offer.

常春藤盟校 are well known for their academic excellence and may be a good fit for some students. 但, 全国各地不乏其他私立大学,它们可以在几个不同的学科中提供启发性的学术课程. 

Consideration #3: Extracurricular Opportunities 

Students looking to maximize the value of their college experience often wish to participate in 课外活动 在他们感兴趣的领域. Participating in extracurriculars is a great way for students to dive into campus life, 交朋友, and forge professional connections.

Students can include their college extracurriculars on their professional resumes, as well as on graduate school applications, thus boosting their potential for post-graduate success. Some examples of popular college extracurriculars include: 

  • Drama clubs, improv troupes, and acapella groups
  • 演讲及辩论
  • 希腊的生活 
  • Volunteer groups and activist organizations 
  • 学校报纸 
  • Work-study programs and internships 
  • 校内的运动 

Not only can participating in extracurriculars enhance a student’s CV, 但这些课外活动可以帮助学生找到志同道合的同龄人,并提供急需的娱乐和放松的机会.



十大正规买球平台 玩s a major role in the college application process for many students. 一些学生运动员可能会被要求申请对他们的运动表现感兴趣的特定机构.

例如, 一些学生运动员在被某所学校录取后,可以尝试他们想要的运动, so it’s important to apply to schools that offer open tryouts for that particular sport.

即使是那些不想积极参加十大正规买球平台的学生,也会发现十大正规买球平台是十大正规买球平台中不可或缺的一部分. 许多未来的学生积极寻找拥有高知名度运动队的大学校,因为他们喜欢在大学体育赛事中培养的学校精神.

在某些情况下, 学生们可能是某个大学球队的终身粉丝,并且渴望进入那所学校,在支持他们的球队方面发挥更积极的作用. 


的 availability of financial aid can be an essential factor in the college decision process. Attending certain colleges can be a financial burden for some students and their families, 许多未来的学生将需要经济援助计划才能进入他们想要的学校.

大多数学院和大学在他们的网站上提供大量的经济援助信息. 学生可以相对清楚地了解学校提供的资助是否足以让他们上学. 

的 federal government offers students several financial aid options such as loans, 奖学金, and grants that can help offset costs. 许多学校也提供自己的奖学金项目,可以为有需要的学生提供进一步的帮助.

Some of these scholarship programs are aid-based, while others are merit-based. So, 重要的是要仔细审查这些要求,以确定你是否适合获得援助.

St. 艾格尼丝:培养学生的成功

With so many important factors to consider, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the college admissions process. 如果你正准备开始研究大学,并且在研究大学时需要一些帮助来评估不同的标准, 我们是来帮忙的!

学生成功中心 在圣. 艾格尼丝 would be happy to offer additional guidance and insight to support your research. 今天就联系吧, and we will be happy to support you throughout each step of making college choices.