Interested in St. Agnes High School Enrollment? Visit Our Open House!

St. Agnes Academy
Interested in learning more about St. Agnes High School enrollment? 参加我们的秋季开放日,听取学生的意见,了解学术,体育等! Get a glimpse into the Open House experience.

St. Agnes Academy, 这是一所著名的天主教女子预科学校,坐落在休斯顿夏普斯敦十大正规买球平台的中心, 邀请家长和准学生参加即将到来的活动 Open House on Sunday, October 22, at 3 p.m.

这次活动提供了一个独特的机会来发现更多关于圣. Agnes High School enrollment, educational offerings, vibrant community, 并致力于将年轻女性培养成有能力的领导者.

探索卓越:参加St .. Agnes Academy in Houston

There is so much to discover at our Open House. 继续读下去,看看你能学到什么.

A Legacy of Excellence

St. Agnes Academy has a history dating back to 1906. Its enduring commitment to academic excellence, spiritual development, 和性格形成使其成为休斯敦教育领域的杰出机构.

We empower students to excel academically, spiritually, and socially with a focus on cultivating the mind, body, and spirit.

Exploring the Campus

The Open House allows one to explore the school's campus firsthand. 从中世纪的现代建筑到新装修的以学生为中心的公共空间, 这些设施反映了该机构致力于为学生提供最好的大学预科式学习环境.

Attendees can tour the campus, interact with faculty and staff, 并获得第一手的洞察学院的动态教育方法. 请记住,我们目前正在翻新学生支持中心和行政办公室, with completion on the horizon!  

Academic Distinction

Our academic curriculum is designed to challenge and inspire young women. 从严格的核心科目到多样化的选修课, 我们强调培养批判性思维的全人教育, creativity, and a lifelong love of learning.

Small class sizes ensure personalized attention, 让学生在整个学年的学业上茁壮成长,同时与老师建立有意义的关系.

Empowering Leadership

Central to St. 艾格尼丝学院的理念是让年轻女性成为各个领域的领导者. St. 艾格尼丝鼓励学生探索他们的兴趣, engage in extracurricular activities, and develop the confidence to lead with integrity.


Spiritual Enrichment

As a Catholic institution, St. Agnes Academy places spiritual development at the core of its mission. 培育环境鼓励学生探索他们的信仰, develop a solid moral compass, and embrace a sense of community service.

开放日将提供深入了解圣. 艾格尼丝,展示了信仰是如何融入学术和课外活动的.

Community and School Spirit

St. 艾格尼丝学院拥有一个紧密联系和支持的十大正规买球平台,促进持久的友谊和归属感.

开放日可以让未来的学生和家长与在校学生见面, faculty, and parents, 获得对定义学院的温暖和包容氛围的第一手了解. 正如你将看到的,许多校友回国后成为教职员工. 

Application Process and Beyond

During the Open House, 与会者将获得有关申请流程的全面信息, scholarships, and financial aid options.

将有代表回答问题, 确保家庭掌握所有必要的信息,以便对孩子的教育做出明智的决定.

Save the Date: Learn More About St. Agnes High School Enrollment 

Attending the St. 艾格尼丝学院开放日提供了一窥变革的教育经验St. Agnes provides. 

  • When: Sunday, October 22, at 3 p.m.
  • Where: St. Agnes Academy, 9000 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036
  • 谁:准学生和准学生的家长 

要了解更多信息或与招生官员交谈,请访问St. Agnes's Admissions page on our website

See What St. Agnes Has to Offer

选择合适的高中为你女儿未来的成功和个人成长奠定了基础. St. 艾格尼丝学院的开放日是家长和未来学生探索学校卓越学术产品的绝佳机会, nurturing community, and commitment to empowering young women.

By attending this event, 家庭可以踏上学习卓越的旅程, leadership development, and spiritual enrichment within a distinguished Catholic all-girls preparatory academy. Learn more about St. Agnes High School enrollment on October 22.