St. 艾格尼丝学院学费:2024学年的信息

St. 艾格尼丝学院
不确定St. 艾格尼丝学院的学费实际上包括? Read this brief article to learn more about the breakdown of a Catholic all-girls preparatory high school.
In the world of education, there is an undeniable truth: quality comes at a price. 私立天主教女子学校,如 St. 德克萨斯州休斯顿的艾格尼丝学院, 有这一原则的光辉例子吗, offering an exceptional educational experience that often comes with a significant tuition fee.

虽然有些人可能会质疑这些成本的必要性, those who understand the value of these institutions recognize that tuition for these schools is an investment that should never be taken for granted.

像St. 艾格尼丝在当今复杂的世界中是无价的, making the tuition a worthy investment in character development. 而圣. 艾格尼丝学院的学费可能会让一些人反感, keep in mind the benefits gained are incredibly worth it. 

St. 艾格尼丝学院学费明细

Let’s review the ways that your tuition dollars will contribute to an 卓越的学术经历 给你的女儿.


$75在申请时到期 即将入学的九年级学生. 转学生的费用是125美元.

注册费(九年级 & 转学生)

$250 Amount is non-refundable and due at registration.


$150 Amount is non-refundable and due at registration.


$500 Amount is non-refundable and due upon returning the Enrollment Contract.




  • AP考试费用:所有AP和荣誉AP课程100美元
  • 高年级费:350美元仅限12年级的高年级学生
  • 虎体育:每项运动150美元


For the 2023-2024 school year, the cost for the tablet PC is $1,725. A non-refundable down payment of $250 is due upon enrollment. The remaining laptop balance of $1,475 is due July 1. An automatic laptop award is granted if a student qualifies for financial aid.


We support the realization of our mission by offering 助学金 对于符合我们录取标准的学生. The underlying intent of the financial aid program is that financial reasons deter no student from applying to St. 艾格尼丝学院.

Assistance through this program is available to cover the cost of tuition and the freshman laptop purchase. 

2022-2023学年, approximately 18 percent of the student body received financial aid totaling nearly $2,100,000. Some things to note regarding our financial aid policies:

  • The financial aid budget provides funds for both partial and complete tuition assistance. 
  • Financial aid decisions are made separately from and independently of admission decisions. The admission decision is made before the review of financial assistance, and the 金融援助 Committee has no involvement with a candidate's being offered a place at St. 艾格尼丝. 
  • 每笔学费补助的期限为一年. It may be renewed subject to the parents filing an annual financial statement and the students maintaining sound academic and high citizenship standards. 


Considering the benefits gained through a Catholic college preparatory high school, 学费更有意义.

1. 学术

Private Catholic schools are known for their rigorous curriculum, 小班授课, 以及高素质的教师. The focus on academic achievement is unparalleled, and the results 说话 for themselves. Graduates from these schools often go on to excel in prestigious universities and have successful careers.

2. 个性化的关注

With smaller class sizes and a commitment to individualized instruction, teachers can give students the attention they need to thrive academically and personally. The close-knit community formed within these schools can be life-changing, shaping young women into 自信 and capable leaders.

3. 道德及伦理价值

These institutions provide a nurturing environment where students are encouraged to develop a sense of empathy, 同情, 以及社会责任. The education extends beyond the classroom, teaching young women the importance of 服务,正义和更大的利益.


Investing in a top-notch education is the foundation for future success, 让学费物有所值. In conclusion, tuition for a private Catholic all-girls school like St. 艾格尼丝学院 is not just a financial obligation but an investment in a young woman's future.

好处——包括学术卓越, 个性化的关注, 而道德价值观——让付出的代价物有所值. St. 艾格尼丝赋予年轻女性力量,让她们变得坚强, 自信, and 同情ate leaders who can positively impact the world.

想了解更多关于让你女儿进入圣. 艾格尼丝,你可以联系 招生管理处处长布里吉德·希罗,在 713-219-5412 如果你有任何问题.